Complex network and self-organized criticality: models and applications / Rede complexa e criticalidade auto-organizada: modelos e aplicações




Models and scientific theories arise from the necessity of the human being to better understand how the world works. Driven by this purpose new models and techniques have been created. For instance, one of these theories recently developed is the Self-Organized Criticality, which is shortly introduced in the Chapter 2 of this thesis. In the framework of the Self-Organized Criticality theory, we investigate the standard Bak-Sneppen dynamics as well some variants of it and compare them with optimization algorithms (Chapter 3). We present a historical and conceptual review of complex networks in the Chapter 4. Some important models like: Erdös-Rényi, Watts-Strogatz, configuration model and Barabási-Albert are revised. In the Chapter 5, we analyze the nonlinear Barabási-Albert model. For this model, we got an analytical expression for the connectivity distribution P(k), which is valid for a wide range of the space parameters. We also proposed an exact analytical expression for the clustering coefficient which corroborates very well with our numerical simulations. The nonlinear Barabási-Albert network can be assortative or disassortative and only in the particular case of the linear Barabási-Albert model, the network is no assortative. In the Chapter 6, we used collected data from a CD-ROM released by the magazine Placar and constructed a very peculiar network -- the Brazilian soccer network. First, we analyzed the bipartite network formed by players and clubs. We find out that the probability of a footballer has played M matches decays exponentially with M, whereas the probability of a footballer to score G gols follows a power-law. From the bipartite network, we built the unipartite Brazilian soccer players network. For this network, we determined several important quantities: the average shortest path length, the clustering coefficient and the assortative coefficient. We were also able to analise the time evolution of these quantities -- which represents a very rare opportunity in the study of real networks.


brasilian football efeito mundo pequeno watts-strogratz model complex networks erdos-renyi model criticalidade auto-organizada futebol brasileiro redes complexas self-organized criticality grafos aleatórios random graphs small world effect modelo erdos-rényi modelo watts-strogratz

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