Complementary feeding and nutritional status of 6-24-monthold children from Acrelândia, Acre, Westhern Brazilian Amazon / Alimentação complementar e estado nutricional de crianças menores de dois anos em Acrelândia, Acre, Amazônia Ocidental Brasileira




Objective: To investigate the nutritional status, food consumption and complementary feeding practices in children aged between 6 and 24 months living in Acrelândia, Acre State, Westhern Brazilian Amazon. Methods: A population-based, cross-sectional study was conducted within an urban area of Acrelândia. Information on sociodemographic conditions, morbidity and breast feeding were collected using structured questionnaires. Food consumption and practices were analyzed based on food history data. Anthropometric assessment entailed weight and height measurements according to the 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) standard distribution curve. Stool samples were obtained and subjected to parasitological examination. Assessment of hemoglobin, ferritin, soluble transferrin receptor, Vitamin B12 and retinol serum levels was performed on fasting venous blood samples. Results: Of the total 166 children studied, the prevalence of stunted height/age and anemia was 12% and 40%, respectively. Out of the anemic children, 95% presented with iron-deficient anemia. The overall prevalence of iron deficiency was 44%. Intestinal parasites were detected in 26% of the stool samples, where 80% of these infections were caused by Giardia lamblia. Vitamin A and B12 serum levels were below normal thresh holds in 15% and 12% of children, respectively. Breast feeding was started by the vast majority of mothers (99%) although exclusive breast feeding up to the sixth month was reported by only 10% of participants. The intake of cows milk was high from the first months of life, where 70% of the children studied were consuming cows milk at 8 months of age. The frequency of porridge (cows milk and maize flour) consumption increased with age: 37% of the children aged between 6 and 8 months, 48% between 9 and 11 months and 64% between 12 and 24 months, reported regular porridge consumption. Food consumption at levels below WHO recommendations (2004) were observed for the following nutrients (% of children): folic acid (33%), Vitamin C (40%), Vitamin A (42%), zinc (46%) and iron (71%). The bioavailability of iron in the diet was approximately 8%, with 78% of the childrens diets being classified as having low or very low bioavailability. The foods which contributed most to total energy ingested were cows milk and mothers breast milk, and in terms of iron, were the thickening agents used in porridge making. Conclusion: These results suggest that interventions should be introduced to promote exclusive breast feeding up to the sixth month, along with the introduction of healthy complementary foods and feeding practices. Improvements in bioavailability of iron in the diet are essential, through higher total iron consumption (meat, beans and meat/bean stock) and Vitamin C (encouragement to consume more fruit and vegetables) from the outset of introducing complementary food, while consumption of foods rich in iron inhibitors such as coffee, tea, thickeners and cows milk should be avoided. As child age increases, porridge consumption should be gradually substituted by encouraging the consumption of alternative foods available to the family.


child health alimentação complementar food intake anemia ferropriva saúde infantil. nutrição infantil complementary feeding consumo alimentar iron deficiency anemia child nutrition nutritional status estado nutricional

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