"Compartilhando a gestão dos recursos hídricos: Joinville e o Rio Cubatão". / Sharing watershed management: Joinville and the Cubatão River case study




In the 1990´s, Joinville, an industrial city settled in the brazilian State of Santa Catarina, has watched a controversy about the installation of a hidroelectric plant near the source of Cubatao river – responsible for 70% of the city water supply. Despite of the fact that city and State government were favourable to the plant, and that it has obtained some of the environmental licences required to its installation, Joinville’s population was not sure about the absence of its risks, and concluded that the environmental costs would be too high – and the powerplant was never constructed. Making use of leadership, convoking organisms with more political and technical capabilites about the question and demanding for more transparency and participation in the decisory process, mobilization has managed to impeach the plant installation. Taking into consideration the partnership and the capacity of collective action showed in the mobilization, we presumed that the Cubatao River Watershed Committee, created in the year 2000, would have a good level of social capital, sinergy, and good institutional performance. A survey was conducted to assess social capital and institutional performance within the committee, and it showed permeability to social participation, capacity to mobilize resources, to enlarge communication and information between its members and ability in arbitrating conflicts – presenting institutional performance related to social capital. Institutional performance, however, depends also on other factors, such as more participation of government officials in the committee. Social capital and capacity for collective action was mobilized around Cubatao watershed, acting through and beyond the comitee. Local initiatives to revert pollution process and to make forestry recovering, combined with concerning about socioeconomical aspects within the comunity, has constructed partnerships and collaboration through the committee and proved that it works as a space for mobilizating social resources, improving watershed management and acting as a tool for a more efficient and fair political decisory process, as for water governance.


participação joinville social capital capital social participation watershed management gerenciamento de bacia hidrográfica joinville

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