Communication, Education and digital inclusion: Who is connected in the public state schools of São Paulo? A analysis of the project TôLigado: the interactive journal of your school / Comunicação, educação e inclusão digital: quem "tá ligado" na escola estadual paulista? Uma análise da interatividade no projeto TôLigado: o jornal interativo da sua escola




The aim of this research is to analyze the interactivity provided by the project of digital inclusion "TôLigado- the interactive newspaper of you school", educational web site conceived and implemented by LINTE Laboratory of Digital Interfaces of Escola do Futuro from the University of São Paulo in partnership with the Foundation for the Development of Education of the Secretary of Education from the State of São Paulo. Focused on students from the basic and high school from the public state schools it has obtained the participation of 1.428 schools from different cities of the state, during the period of year 2001 to 2006. The research focus at the analysis of the site and at the resources that make possible the interaction and the interactivity to its target population, with special attention to the activities of knowledgments production at the website between 2002 and 2005. It was used the methodology of quantitative and qualitative research , along with virtual ethnography, where it has been analyzed 814 publications on the activities of knowledgements production referring to 135 schools that were participating in the project; besides the ethnography at the public school, using field research on two public state schools of São Paulo that were outstanding on their participation on TôLigado - E.E. Prof. José Felício Miziara and E.E. Prof. João Portugal -, both located at the region of São José do Rio Preto. Starting from the analysis of the participation on the project and from the contact with the public school, this research detected the difficulties that the educational institution of the state of São Paulo has on incorporating the new technologies of communication and information into its routine, as well as the advancements achieved.


escola pública digital inclusion educação technologies education novas tecnologias comunicação inclusão digital communication public school

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