Commercial release and breaks structural: empirical evidences for Latin America / LiberaÃÃo comercial e quebra estrutural: evidÃncias empÃricas para a AmÃrica Latina




The main purpose of this thesis is to verify statistical and analytically the economic openness impacts regarding their openness degree in comply with the economic politics results. In light of the substantial movement towards trade liberalization during 80â decade, statistical analysis aimed to identify structural breaks at international trade series (Export/GDP and Import/GDP) of the Latin Americaâs main countries, from 1974 up to 2003. Considering methodologies, it was used Vogelsangâs test (1997) to determine endogenous breaks; ADF and URB (2002) tests were used to classify series/erros in terms of stationarity and the Hodrick-Prescott filter, using the exponential shift function. In this thesis was developed a methodologyâs adaptation to test erros stationarity in a break structural context, using URB and Vogelsang tests together and sequentially which has showed a good performance. Confirming Vogelsangâs prediction (1997), trimmingâs size does not affect strongly the results. Considering first the trade ratios, most of them exhibited a structural break statistically significant in their paths; unit root; quadratic trend; average postbreak trade exceeded average prebreak trade for the majority of countries; 90â export growth exceeded four times ISI three decades performance. In general, statistically significant break dates took place ending 80â or beginning 90â, for exporting it happened due to consolidation of the liberalization process consolidation and regarding imports it was due to the tariffs and non tariffs barriers strongly reduction. Among the liberalizationâs benefits to the region were economic stabilization; lowered inflation; balance-of-payments improvement, mainly during last years; increased manufacturing value-added structural change index comparing to the ISI period. In terms of openness measure paths [(export + import)/(PIB)], it was identified some potentialized and/or neutralized effects of one series over the other at openness degreeâs break dates. At brazilianâs openness measure case, the study was based on annual, quarterly and monthly frequencies and using Hodrick-Prescott filter were significantly important in analysing those break dates. Concerning annual frequency same breaking date founded by Vogelsangâs (1997); Sachs &Warnerâs (1995) and Wacziarg &Welchâs (2003) and Hodrick-Prescott methodologies, that was 1990, coincidentally refers to the first brazilian liberalizationâs phase. In terms of quarterly and monthly frequencies breaking date results were both 1998. Reasons for difference in the time breaks frequencies results were based on tendency reversion smoothness. Besides it was possible to identify only through the filter. Besides it, at this date brazilian import growth were almost twice comparing to the world import growth.


liberalizaÃÃo comercial quebra estrutural, raiz unitÃria, tendÃncia determinÃstica, medida de abertura. economia commercial liberalization, structural change, unit root, deterministic trend, openness measure.

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