Com a palavra, o prover: uma análise das masculinidades produzidas em contextos familiares nos quais a mãe é a provedora




This research had as its objective the analysis of the subjectivation process and production of masculinities by/for medium class families in which the mother is the sole provider of financial sustenance, while the father is unemployed and, sometimes, without work, as well as verifying which are the norms and resistances engineered in such procedures. Inasmuch interviews were conducted with the members of two families, which, posterior to that, were transformed into family discourses about their daily practices, having as a background the enunciate of providing. The examination of this material allowed the contextualization of the idiosyncrasies and congruencies between the practices of these families, which allowed the verification that under the same norms, in a game of agonists between these and the reiteration impossibilitating contingencies, multiple subjectivities and masculinities emerged. In these fights subversions to the position determining mandates of specific attributes and positions of men and women occurred, but that, by desiring the recognition of the other, individuals wanted to reiterate it and suffered when they could not. However, the (re-)creation of the existence modes of these family organizations, was multiplied by the affection that permeated its links.


psicologia masculinidade familia e trabalho psicologia

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