Colonization and war : fiscal, military and colonial administration of Bahia, 1624-1654 / Guerra e pacto colonial : exercito, fiscalidade e administração colonial da Bahia (1624-1654)




The Dutch ocupation of Bahia and Pernambuco put the portuguese rule of its colony to a test. Considering the military and political frailty of Portugal at the time, the present work considers the fact that its victory was mainly a result of colonial factors: in particular, the revolt of the sugar mill owners of Pernambuco against the Dutch West India Company. Our thesis is that the colonial policy adopted in the government of Bahia induced the colony s wealth to finance the costs of the defense, avoiding at the same time that political tensions caused by taxation and colonial exploitation undermined its security. In that sense, this work builds an analysis of the involvement of Bahian inhabitants in the war, particularly the relationship of the slaveholder society with the army. Furthermore, there is attention to the provisioning of men, weapons and supplies by the Portuguese Crown, as well as its naval policy. Finally, the work has sought to describe the terms through which the Royal Tresury and the political body of the colony dealt with taxation and defense problems during that time.


dutch impostos - historia fiscal history brazil holandeses - brasil brazil

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