Códigos LDPC quaternários aplicados à técnica de transmissão OFDM / Quaternary LDPC codes applied to OFDM transmission technique




This dissertation addresses the study of error correcting codes based on sparse non-binary matrices. The LDPC (Low Density Parity Check) codes constitute a efficient family of codes generated by sparse parity check matrices and it is considered as one of the classes of codes that presents the best performance in digital communications systems. LDPC codes over the ring of integers modulo-4 (Z4) are the main focus of this work. The standard proposed by SBTVD (Brazilian Digital Television System) is used as reference for performance comparisons. It is proposed the substitution of the inner code in the channel encoding at the transmitter, for a LDPC code. On Digital TV system, the receiver must be robust to some kinds of interferences. For a fixed channel, the receiving end is basically influenced by the AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise). For mobile channels, the signal suffers reflections and refractions, which can be characterized as flat and frequency-selective fading. To minimize those interferences it is proposed the associated use of the OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) technique. The decoding process is based on a generalization of the SISO (Soft Input Soft Output) algorithm proposed by P. Farrell and J. Moreira [39], [5]. A comparative analysis of the LDPC codes is made based on BER performance and on computational complexity. Finally, the simulation results for different codes lengths are presented, highlighted the significantive improvement in performance for LDPC codes


códigos de controle de erros televisão digital error control codes digital tv

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