Clinical and PTCH1 gene mutations studies in patients bearing multiple familiar non-syndromic basal cell carcinomas / Estudo clínico e de mutações no gene PTCH1 em pacientes portadores de carcinomas basocelulares múltiplos familiares não sindrômicos




INTRODUCTION: Basal cell carcinomas (BCC) are the most usual skin cancer that affects human beings. Sporadic BCCs are prevalent, often arising in people chronically exposed to UV radiation from the sun. Eventually BCCs may be associated to different syndroms like Bazex-Dupré-Christol, Rambo and Gorlin. Contrarily to syndromic BCCs, the cases of multiple familiar nonsydromic BCCs(MFNSBCC) have only few studies found in the literature. Only five families have been described to date with the disease. Since sporadic and Gorlin BCCs are associated to many mutations in the PTCH1 gene, we hypothesized that the multiple BCCs phenotype is also associated with mutations in this same gene. The PTCH1 tumor suppressor gene is located in the 9q22.3 chromosomal region, contains 23 exons, and has an important role in embryogenesis. OBJETIVE: To perform genetic analysis of PTCH1 exons 9, 11, 16, 17 e 23. METHODS: Eight individuals belonging to different generations from the same family were studied. Three of them bore multiple BCCs, and two of those were suspect to have MFNSBCC. DNA was extracted from blood leukocytes, submitted to PCR, and the PCR products were cloned (pGEM T Easy Vector, Promega) and sequenced (Big Dye Terminator Kit; ABI Prism 3100 sequencer; Applied Biosystems). The polymorphisms and mutations found were analyzed and compared to literature and PTCH1database ( RESULTS: In the patients suspect of MFNSBCC were found two new mutation: one frameshift nt4130(del C) and one missense nt4261(A->G). In the relatives were found five new mutation: Three missense nt1420(G->T); nt2873(C->T); nt4130(C->T); and two frameshift nt1443 (ins T) and nt1468 (ins T). In the introns 10,15,16 and 17 were found eighteen new mutations that were not previously reported. CONCLUSION: For the first time mutation in exons and introns of PTCH1 gene have been described in patients bore MFNSBCC and some of their relatives.


genes neoplasm exons/genetics mutação em linhagem germinativa basal cell nevus syndrome carcinoma basal cell carcinoma basocelular Éxons/genética genes neoplásicos mutação síndrome do nevo basocelular mutation germ-line mutation

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