Clientelismo : uma instituição política brasileira




The work in subject treats of the attempt of to identify and to understand one of the factors that commit the invigoration of the democracy in Brazil, the clientelism. The central focus of the text is to know as and if it is possible to consolidate democratic institutions in a context in that conservative values and practices of the traditional politics are, still, deeply ingrained. The hypothesis that I throw is that the principal factor that guaranteed the survival of the clientelism in the current democratic period is its naturalization in the political scenery. Like this, I leave of the following verification: the clientelism is a political institution in Brazil. Like this, as form of understanding the institution clientelism, and as this it was formed and consolidated starting from the new marks legal come from the retaking of the democracy in the end of the decade of 1980. I analyze the clientelism under three perspectives: its place inside of the democratic theory, its interaction with Brazilian partner-cultural factors that gave incentives for the everlasting of the relationships patronoclient, even in modernizing sceneries, and in a last aspect I analyze the force of the clientelism for the organization of the politicslegislative arena. This way, as middle of verifying these assertions empirically, I analyze the federal deputies with more than four consecutive mandates. The conclusion is that the changes clientelistics well happened they are a warranty of political success, in the measure in that this is capable to adapt to the new legal institutional mark and of him to remove advantage for his permanence in the political game.


federal deputies ciencia politica democracia clientelismo clientelism deputados federais democracy

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