Classificação semi-automatica do repertorio vocal do Sabia-laranjeira Turdus rufiventris




Based on studies of vocal repertoire of the Rufous-bellied Thrush Turdus rufiveniris (Aves, Passerifonnes, Turdinae), the objective in this research is to elaborate a method for semi-automatic c1assification of the songs notes (continuous units of sound). This research is based on calculations of correlation applied to images; through the technique know as Template Matching. As it deals with spectrographic images, the method was called SITM (Spectrographic Image Template Matching). This technique of comparison of images is begging incorporated into a compact fonn of bioacustic anaIysis, faciIitating the calculation of parameters related to the theory of communication. The evaluation of perfonnance of SITM was carried out using songs of three individuaIs of T. rufiventris, recorded in the wild and deposited in the Neotropical Sound Archive (ASN) of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil. The results had demonstrated that SITM recognizes correct1y,with a 96% confidence, 77 to 97% of the notes of individual 08, 64 to 82% of the notes of individual 15 and 74 to 97% of the notes of individual 26. These results are that occurred in this process can be corrected in the future, when SITM can become a very efficient method. Optimizing the c1assificationalgorithm and using new tools, it will be possible to create modem scientific software in the biocustic area


teoria da informação fourier analise de tansmissão de imagem

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