Cidadania do idoso: retÃrica ou realidade?




The theme of the present study concerns the analysis of the Social Work as being part of the SOCIAL WORK ORGANIC LAW-SWOL, which is connected to social law as well as mediation to citizenship. Our object of investigation as âprojeto conviverâ aiming to help the elderly in need, whose principals and guidelines were outlined accordingly to the elderly policy. The main purpose was to unveil the way by which this project accomplishes the elderly inclusion into citizenship. The scrutinizing process was developed as study of the situation at OPERAÃÃO FORTALEZAâ OPEFOR, responsible for the elderly policy of our city council in the second semester of 2002. The data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews with both the technicians involved with the project and the tutors responsible for the elderly groups. We also adopted straight supervision in the operational unities as well as workshops in groups with the elderly who went through some analysis of contents. The data show that some steps of action were introduced in order to meet the guidelines proposed by the policy of the elderly (a muiti-professional group, introduction of new activities and training for the tutors of the groups). Nevertheless, they did not manage to overcome the assistance and the relation of the subordinated persons present when practicing the project. Then, this attitude adopted is against the assistance as a right and the citizenship remains at the rhetorical area


servico social serviÃo social - cidadania do idoso

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