Characterization of applicants profile to Single Health System Medical Residency Contest, in the period 1999-2004 / Caracterização do perfil dos candidatos ao Concurso de Residência Médica do Sistema Único de Saúde, no período de 1999 a 2004




The objective of the study was to describe the applicants profile to Single Health System Medical Residency Contest in 1999, comparing to applicants profile to the contest placed five years later. This is a descriptive study, based on secondary data organized by Fundação Carlos Chagas and put available to Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo. The applicantsvariables analyzed were: gender, age, medical specialty, place of graduation, legal nature of universitys graduation course, performance at the Courses National Examination, attendance frequency and contest habilitation condition. The number of applicants increased 18% in the period and most of the applicants were men, although women had increased their relative participation. In 1999 and 2004, most of the applicants were between 22 and 24 years, followed by applicants between 25 and 27. However, the relative participation of this last group has increased in 2004, pointing to an ageing of the applicants profile in the period. Most of the applicants were from Brazil Southwest region, especially from São Paulo state; Brazilian North and Center regions contributed with the smallest number of applicants. In general terms, applicants that graduated from public universities (mainly federal universities) predominate and applicants from São Paulo state were, in most cases, graduated from private universities. The specialties that had the highest number of applicants were Basics Areas (mainly Medical Clinic), followed by direct access specialties, while specialties that requires a concluded program had the smallest number of applicants; however, this were the only group which relative number of applicants had increased during the period. Most of the applicants were from universities with grade C in the national examination, and the number of applicants from universities with a good performance (grade A or B) was a little higher than the applicants from universities with a bad performance (grade D ou E). The relationship between the number of applicants habilitated and the number of applicants that were present (index of habilitation) is higher in South Region, while the North Region presents the smallest index; this index is higher when considering applicants from public universities and universities with good performance in the Courses National Examination. The absence index had decreased 50% in the period, being higher in applicants from public universities than from private ones, as in applicants from the South of the country.


internato e residência internship and residency especialidade specialism sistema Único de saúde educação médica education medical single health system

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