Characteristics of the Public Superior Education in Aquidauana city from 1998 to 2004. / Características da educação superior pública no município de Aquidauana de 1998 a 2004




The research here developed had as objective to analyzes the characteristics of the superior education in Aquidauana city, in Mato Grosso do Sul comprising the politics of implantation and expansion of the degree courses, in the public institutions in the period from 1998 to 2004. The investigation of the peculiar histories of each institution went by the perceiving of its articulation with the analysis of the reform of the State and of the education politics for its managed. As methodological procedure, was used bibliographical rising firstly, documental analysis, statistical sources of MEC/INEP and IBGE and application of a questionnaire to the all enrolled and frequent academics in the first series at the degree courses of the two public institutions of superior education, located in the referred city council: UFMS/CPAQ, with two unitedes and UEMS. The results revealed that 64,50% of the academics are originating from other city council in the same state and also from others Brazilian states, and only 35,50% are from Aquidauana. There is the predominance of the public sector, where the academics concluded the high School, with 67.84% and 32.16% of the private sector. Most of the students are 17 to 24 years which corresponds to 73, 53%, while 26.47% are among 25 to 50 years. The increase of registrations in UFMS/CPAQ had 280% in the period from 1996 to 2004 which was resulted from the offer to the new courses implanted in referred period. In UEMS great alterations did not take place, they have been operating only two courses: zootechny and agronomy. Although the academicals reforms are motivating the private initiative; in Aquidauana, unlike other, the offer is predominantly in the public institutions, where the private sector still did not expand.


instituições públicas política de educação superior politics of superior education public institutions educacao cursos de graduação. graduation courses.

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