CefalÃia nos tumores intracranianos: caracterizaÃÃo clÃnica




The relation between the headache and intracranial tumors has been recognized, througout the years, in medical literature. Various patterns of pain have been described. The 2003 Classification by the International Headache Society observe, in the seventh group, the headache attributed to intracranial neoplasm establishing their diagnostic criteria. The current study had as its objective to describe the clinical characteristics of the secondary headache to intracranial tumors, establishing even more the relationship between headaches with variables like the age, sex, presence or absence of pre-existing headaches, topography of tumor, increased intracranial pressure and degree of malignancy of the tumor. Eighty one patients who have intracranial tumor were studied: 40 males, 41 females from the ages of 11 to 84 years old. It was observed that the headache occured more in the group aged 10 to 19 years old; Throbbing pain, frontal location pain, evolved pattern with advancing aggravation were more prevalent among ours patients. The neurological exam has been usually altered by the presence of the tumor. All patients that had posterior fossal tumor or intraventricular tumor were recorded to have headache. The existentence of a narrow topographic relationship between fixed unilateral headache with the tumor side has been noticed. It has been clearly shown that neurosurgical treatment was effective to abolish the headache. It was also verified that the classic headache pattern due to intracranial tumor occurs infrequently. It was concluded the inexistence of definite pattern of the secondary headache to intracranial tumor. The headache can be an indication of a tumor by its evolulationary course and progressive aggravation above all in the presence of an abnormal neurological exam


cefaliatria â cefalÃia secundÃria â diagnÃstico neurologia â cefalÃia cefalÃia â tumores intracranianos â caracterizaÃÃo clÃnica ciÃncias da saÃde

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