Catira: Música, dança e poesia do mundo rural (Uberaba - Século XX),




Uberaba, a city of the nineteenth century, located in the Hinterland of rotten flour, inside Minas Gerais, has as a prominent feature of its economic and social relations the production of zebu cattle. We believe that the men to produce their social relations, produce culture as well, and in this context takes place catira as a popular cultural practice. This rich manifestation is meaningful because it involves dance, music and poetic verses, to reconstruct the story of a rustic world interlaced to the urban life style where work and sociability fuse, traces of which are permeated by cultural circularity that hint at influences from Portuguese, Indian and African. The twentieth century as a chronological cut is justified by the intention to capture the same catira as a cultural practice that engendered popular in rural areas, it is transformed or reinvented, following the changes of the historical process in which it operates.


dance uberaba (mg) - cultura popular sociabilidade vida rural - uberaba (mg) cultura popular dança - uberaba (mg) historia história social catira população rural - aspectos sociais dança history sociability popular culture

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