Cartas da Malásia, de Paul Adam : uma utopia fin-de-siècle / Cartas da Malásia, by Paul Adam : a fin-de-siècle utopia


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work presents a commented translation study of Lettres de Malaisie by Paul Adam, first published in 1896 and reprinted in 1908 bearing the title La cité prochaine. Considered a literary essay in its time, we can infer that this opus belongs to the utopian literary genre due to some features: after a journey through the sea, a voyager lands in an island and presents a different life style in its political, religious and educational way. The community presented in the story seeks for equality among its inhabitants, the extinction of starvation, the inexistent private property and the abolition of social relationship that might affect the feeling of ownership. It is an art piece of a man who, unhappy with his own historical reality, wishes to start a new society. However, Adam s work does not intend to be an ideal community. He exposes to the reader the suitable and the fearful at the same time, developing its possibilities in parallel to the French historical course of the XIX century. To understand the peculiarities that the author convey in his utopia, it was developed a study about the choice of this specific literary genre. Following this, it was made an analysis of the historical context in which the work was placed and written, searching the manner that the author adapted the utopian features to its literary influences of his own time, such as the metaphysical influence of Cabala s principles.


simbolism translation utopia literatura francesa simbolismo tradução paul adam utopia french literature

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