Caracterização preliminar da hidrogeologia e meio ambiente no município de Monções/SP - uma contribuição à gestão dos recursos hídricos / Preliminary characterization of the hydrogeology and environment in the municipality of Monções/SP - a contribution to hydrics resources management




This work aims the hydrogeologic investigation of Monções municipality (city in the NW São Paulo State - Brazil) where it has been estimated to exist an amount of 61 deep wells exploring two aquifers with different porosity, the Adamantina Aquifer (granular) and Serra Geral Aquifer (fractured). The reason of better investigation is both are responsible by 100% of the municipality water supply. The top aquifer (sedimentary) has locally a small thickness and presents around 60% of the wells on the area and provides only 20% of the total flow exploited. This situation doesnt make the aquifer less important but more vulnerable. On the other hand, the bottom aquifer represents the minority of the wells and most of the available flow. The methodology applied was based in preliminary geologic inspection (field work) and register of points that were considered important in this work proposal, like deep wells, formations geologic contact that occur in the study area, urbane residues deposits and launching places (realeasing places), industry, plantation field, physiographic degradation points, cemetery, among others. After that, a punctual collection information of interest was performed, including digital photographic register of the more relevant situations, survey of coordinates and topographic quote of these points and, at last, water collect from representative wells located in the area. For the treatment of these informations, the points were at first located in the Gastão Vidigal topographic map (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic ? 1:50.000), as the study area is included in this chart, and, subsequently, ratified and plothed using the georreference software. The survey developed made possible the elaboration of a database to the investigated municipality and of a structural contour map (Serra Geral Formations Top), as well as a map of isothickness (Adamantina Formation) making easier the estimation of groundwater reserves. Moreover, this information permitted a critical evaluation of the current collection systems as well as made possible the confection of simple maps (geology and hydrogeology), in a better scale that the available one (1:50.000) using the ArcView 3.3 software. Supplementary, through the description the chemical characteristics of waters from local aquifers, made possible a proposal for classification with regard to production areas.


monções (sp): contaminação i environment monções (sp): contamination i meio ambiente poço tubular profundo deep well gestão de recursos hídricos hydrics resources management groundwater Águas subterrâneas

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