Sistema multi-usuário de gestão de recursos hídricos / Multi-user system for water resources management




It is necessary more accurate and reliable information on the water resources, in real time, in order to allow the anticipation of necessary actions to the management process. Therefore, structuring integrated databases is essential for evaluation of water resources, simulation of the effects of receptions on water availability in sections to downstream and administration of the simultaneous use of water for multiple users. The system integrated in net, developed in this work, bases on structuring of a collection of the necessary information to the administration of grants of use, in a simple and on-line database applied, initially, to the Doce river watershed. The work was separated in three stages: a) obtaining physical and pluviometric characteristics; b) regionalization of the minimum stream-flows of reference (Q7,10, Q90 and Q95) based on the period quarterly; and c) development and evaluation of the computacional model named AQUORA. It was used neighborhood and connectivity operations in order to obtain information, automatically of the following physical characteristics: drainage area, length of the main river, total length of the drainage and drainage density, besides spatial distributing total quarter rainfall for the Doce river watershed, using as a base, a digital elevation model hydrologically consistent (DEMHC) with resolution of 90m and historical series of 59 pluviometric stations. After the consistence of the historical series of 55 fluviometric stations, the minimum stream-flows of reference were estimate by the regular methodology of stream-flows regionalization, which uses regression equations applied to hydrological homogeneous areas. The database (DB) was structured basing on the actual legislation and in the forms of uses grants of ANA Agência Nacional de Águas, being loaded with the georreferencied informations of the physical and rainfall characteristics besides the minimum reference stream-flows for each pixel along the whole drainage net of the watershed. The access to DB by internet is assured by agreements between SQLServer and the pages developed in the Visual Web for procedures for consult and update information. The obtained physical characteristics in an automatic way were compared to those found by manual procedures, presenting suitable values with the reality of the watershed. Were established six hydrologically homogeneous areas and obtained regression equations that esteemed minimum stream-flows with relative mean error of 27%. The developed system stores the information of the processes of it grants; it makes possible identification of the available stream-flow at any point of the hydrografy, considering inputs to upstream and downstream; and it updates the monthly availability in the drainage net, with a resolution of 90 meters. Thus, AQUORA is a powerful administration tool, able to expand and to modernize the multiple users participation in the integrated administration of the water resources, looking for the protection of society, environment and productive sectors. AQUORA also assists, as collection of data and hydrological information, the whole Brazilian society, supporting further research activities on Hydrology and correlates sciences.


water resources recursos hídricos geographic information systems sistemas de informação geográfica recursos hidricos

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