Caracterização de dois genes contíguos de Trypanosoma cruzi que codificam antígenos com repetições de epitopos imunodominantes / Characterization of two contiguous antigen genes of Trypanosoma cruzi presenting immunodominant repetitive domains




Characterization of two contiguous antigen genes of Trypanosoma cruzi presenting immunodominant repetitive epitopes A genomic library of T. cruzi in the vector λgt11 was screened with antitrypomastigote serum. Two clones, named B12 and B13, were isolated and shown to express proteins which contain tandemly repeated units of 20 amino acids (B12) and 12 amino acids (B13). lnserts from clones B12 and B13 were subcloned in the vector pMSgt11 and expressed as β-galactosidase fusion proteins. The characterization of T. cruzi antigens coded by recombinants B12 and B13 was performed by Western blot, using either rabbit antisera to the fusion proteins or immunoselected antibodies from chagasic patients. It was concluded that B12 corresponds to antigens of 230 kDa and 200 kDa found, respectively, both in trypomastigotes and epimastigotes, whereas B13 corresponds to polypeptides of 140 kDa and 116 kDa expressed in both evolutive stages. Immunoprecipitation of radioiodinated parasites indicates that the 140 kDa antigen is located on the surface of trypomastigotes, whereas the other polypeptides correspond to internal antigens. B12 and B13 recombinant proteins were evaluated by radioimmunoassay in the serological diagnosis of Chagasdisease. Analysis of 128 sera from 20 normal individuals, 70 chagasic patients and 38 patients with other parasitoses indicated kappa indexes of 0.94 and 0.61, respectively, for the B12 and B13 proteins. These data indicate that B13 polypeptide is a potential candidate for the diagnosis of Chagasdisease. The inserts of B12 and B13 were used to isolate genomic clones from a λEMBL3 library. The restriction map of a region of 32 kb from T. cruzi genome indicated that B12 and B13 genes are contiguous. Northern blots showed that B12 corresponds to 7.2 and 8.8 kb mRNAs, whereas B13 hybridizes to transcripts of 3.5 and 4.2 kb. Southern blot analysis of total digested T. cruzi DNA and pulse field-separated chromosomes lead to the conclusion that B12 and B13 correspond to single copy genes. The entire sequence of a gene homologous to B13 was previously reported (Buschinazzo et aI.: MoI. Biochem. Parasitol. , 54: 125-128, 1992), indicating that ca. 75 units of the 36 bp repeat motif are organized in a single cluster. The complete sequence of B12 gene and the intergenic region between B12 and B13 genes were determined. B12 encodes a 223 kDa protein bearing a 173 amino acids motif repeated 3 times along the sequence and intercalated by clusters containing a variable number of tandemly repeated 20 amino acids units. The sequence of B12 gene is peculiar since in other cloned antigen genes of T. cruzi the repeat units are generally located in a single cluster. A search for homology, with the BLAST program, revealed some homology to proline-rich proteins, like mammalian heavy neurofilament subunit (NF-H). A third gene, denominated B11 and hybridizing to a 5.5 mRNA species, was identified 9.5 kb upstream from the 5end of B12 gene. Southern blots of digested DNA and pulse field-separated chromosomes hybridized with the B11 probe, indicating that B11 is a multicopy gene distributed in many chromosomes. The nucleotide sequence of a 0.7 kb fragment from B11 was determined and a search in GenBank database, performed with BLAST program, revealed a significant homology at the protein leveI to the product of TRS-l element, a retrotransposon-like sequence of T. brucei (Murphy et aI.:J MoI. Biol., 195:855-871).


trypanosoma cruzi antigens clonagem serological diagnosis doença de chagas diagnóstico sorológico chagas´disease antígenos cloning trypanosoma cruzi

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