Caracterização de disintegrinas de venenos viperídeos como ferramentas seletivas na detecção ou inibição da função de integrinas / Characterization of viper venom disintegrins as tools for detecting and inhibiting integrin function




Integrins are membrane proteins involved in biological processes such as embriogenesis, inflammation and platelet aggregation. The alteration of their expression pattem is related to pathological disorders such as thrombosis and cancer, making integrins suitable indicators of the progression of these diseases. Thus, the α2β1 integrin, which is expressed in endothelial cells during capillary growth, may be an indicator of angiogenesis. The absence of αIIbβ3 integrin in platelets is related to Glanzmann disease, characterized by defective platelet aggregation and its expression in other cellular types is related with metastasis and tissue-invasion processes. These integrins contain natural antagonists in venoms from the VIPERIDAE snake family: RGD-disintegrins, which block the αIIbβ3 integrin and ECD-disintegrins, which block the α2β1 integrin. The latter forming part of multidomain metalloproteinases of approximately 50 kDa. In order to develop molecular markers for integrins, we have directed our objectives at: (1) determining the minimal region of ECD-disintegrins with biological activity and (2) engineering biomarkers for the α2β1 integrin using the previously determined minimal region and for the αIIbβ3 using an RGD-disintegrin. In this work we have determined a 49-residue region located in the C-terminus of jararhagin ECD-disintegrin domain, which reacts with a neutralizing antibody of hemorrhagic and binding to collagen activities of the protein. This region was subcloned and expressed in fusion with E. coli alkaline phosphatase, but did not present a marker activity. On the other hand, the RGD-disintegrin eristostatin fused to alkaline phosphatase showed bifunctionality, presenting both, disintegrin and catalytic activities. Furthermore, we have characterized its selectivity for the αIIbβ3 integrin and we have standardized a direct dot blot assay with one-step incubation for the presence of this integrin in platelets.


biologia molecular alkaline phosphatase disintegrinas plasmídeo fosfatase alcalina. metalloproteinases disintegrins desintegrinas marcadores moleculares molecular biology expressão gênica molecular marker clonagem cloning metaloproteinases

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