Caracterização de carvão vegetal para a sua injeção em altos-fornos a carvão vegetal de pequeno porte




Hot metal in small blast furnaces (working volume <300 m3) in Brazil represents ca. of 35 % of all of hot metal produced in the country, generating a waste, the charcoal fines. This Project studies the use of this waste into Powder Coal Injection Installations. The main point studied is the behavior of charcoal to be injected into the tuyeres of blast furnaces. This way, a Simulator was used considering the main issues of the blast furnaces reactors. Under this context, a variable that influences the technique was studied. Properties, like grain size, fixed carbon, porosity, density and humidity and powder coal injection have been studied. All of obtained data were analyzed and compared based on process fundamentals. Techniques like Electronic Microscopy, BET porosity, TGA, chemical parameters, like immedia te analysis and elementar. It was concluded that there is a possibility to increase the powder charcoal injection in small blast furnaces, due to modifications on charcoal selection and process parameters. The equipment for simulate what occurs into the tuyeres of blast furnaces, under high thermal gradient permits the determination of the main parameters for powder charcoal injection. Physical parameters does not limit the increase of charcoal injection rate, other side the immediate analysis can be used as main factor that affects the powder charcoal injection. Increase of grain size can improve under the economical point of view the charcoal powder injection into the small blast furnaces.


1. carvão vegetal - teses. 2. altos-fornos - teses. 3. materiais granulados - teses. i. universidade federal de ouro preto. ii. título. engenharia de materiais e metalurgica

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