Caracterização da implantação das equipes de saúde da família no Estado de São Paulo: limites e possibilidades / Characterization of the implantation of the family health team in the São Paulo State: limits and possibilities.




The objective of this study is to evaluate the implantation of family health teams (FHTs) in the State of São Paulo (SSP), Brazil, during the period 1996-2001. Secondary data from the SSP obtained through a national survey carried out by the Ministry of Health in 2001-2202 were utilized. This survey was expanded by the State Coordination of the Family Health Program (PSF) to include specific questions. These data refer to 1058 FHTs implemented in 54% of the municipalities of the SSS, and were structured to encompass the following aspects: 1. characterization of the FHTs; 2. infrastructure (physical area, available equipment and human resources); 3. actions developed by the FHTs; 4. planning instruments and organization of the work of the FHTs; 5. FHTs training. The variables used for the analysis included time of implementation of the FHTs and size of the municipalities. An adequateness scoring classification for the studied characteristics was developed in order to assess greater or smaller approximation to the ideal situation envisioned by the Family Heath Program (PSF) of guidelines. The results of this study provide elements that may contribute to the implementation of new FHTs and serve as baseline data for future studies.


planejamento equipe de assistência ao paciente/organização &administração cuidados primários de saúde family health program patient care team/organization &administration primary health care programa saúde da família planning recursos de saúde health resources

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