Jogos cooperativos e educação infantil: limites e possibilidades. / Cooperative Games and Childhood Education: limits and possibilities.




This paper is aimed at investigating cooperation in Childhood Education, in order to reflect about the educational process involved in the interaction between children and their teacher. It intended to analyze the teachers role when promoting cooperative attitudes as well as the existence of cooperative games in this level of education. Based on the qualitative study in education, the methodology used was the ethnographic research, using filming, observation, interviews and documentary research to gather data. The theory is based on authors and researchers who have dedicated their lives to the study of the ludic and the childhood education, such as Kishimoto (2005), Friedmann (1992;1996), Wajskop (1995), Nicolau (2003), Carneiro (2006), Kramer (2006), Vygotsky (1994), Brotto (2001), Teixeira (2001), Soler (2005;2006), Brown (2006). The analysis of the data gathered from the research points to a performance where the ludic is summarized to a pastime and recreation although it appears in the discourse as an education instrument; playing is not planned, structured or mediated by the educators, being restricted to free games; the educators do not know the cooperative games and they do not use them in their educational performance; in their speech they do not seem to be aware of the cooperation concept, presenting difficulties in developing activities that objectify it. However, it was observed the possibility to promote cooperative attitudes in 4 and 6 year-old children through the mediation of a more experienced adult when they are playing. To improve this reality, the qualification of principals, teachers, monitors and employees of municipal day-care centers through courses, training, continued formation is necessary, aimed at Childhood Education, contextualizing it historically, defining its role as an education level and as place of the socialization, bringing theory into practice so that it is creative and committed to childrens education, an education that privileges cooperation.


cooperation mediation ludic childhood education mediação cooperação jogos cooperativos lúdico educação infantil cooperative games

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