"Caracterização da disciplina noções de administração de enfermagem dos cursos de técnico de enfermagem" / Basics of Nursing Administration” for Practical Nursing Programs [master´s degree thesis] São Paulo (SP) School of Nursing at University of São Paulo




Kobayashi RM. Caracteristics of the Course “Basics of Nursing Administration” for Practical Nursing Programs [master´s degree thesis] São Paulo (SP) School of Nursing at University of São Paulo; 2002 This exploratory study was based on course descriptions and aimed at identifying the competences and the topics addressed, as reported in the course description of “Basics of Nursing Administration” for Practical Nursing programs. Twenty-six practical nursing programs were studied. Most programs have been offered by private schools/institutions for 1 to 5 years. Twenty-one to thirty students attended these courses, offered in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings. Basics of nursing administration was offered in the beginning, middle or end of the program, depending on the institution, and lasted 25-50 hours. One or two teachers were in charge of both theory and clinical practice, which took place in hospitals, mainly in inpatient units. When both general and specific competences described in the programs were analyzed, the “know to do” competence (59%, 54%) and the “learn to know” competence (34%, 45%) prevailed against the “know to be” competence (7%, 1%). This shows that the “know to do” competence prevails in practical nursing programs. It also shows that the “learn to know” competence is necessary as a tool for developing the “know to do” competence. Findings for topics addressed in the programs, as reported in the course description, show that working processes are aimed at nursing assistance and at organizational structure. Thus, we believe that this study can contribute to those working in the field of professional nursing education as a tool to rethink professional competences required for practical nurses, according to the profile established, The study also encourages us to consider how practical nurses can effectly participate in the administrative processes, under the supervision of a registered nurse. Keywords: Nursing education, practical nursing, nursing management research


nursing management research pesquisa em administração de enfermagem nursing education técnicos de enfermagem educação em enfermagem practical nursing

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