Características miofuncionais orofaciais e vocais das crianças do município de Monte Negro/RO / .




The accomplishment of the orofacial functions is fundamental to promote craniofacials balance and development, when accomplished correctly. Thus, myofunctional disturbs can intervene negative with the craniofacial development, also reflecting in the psychosocial development of the child. The objective of this work was to characterize the orofacial and vocal myofunctional aspects of the children of the city of Monte Negro/RO. Respecting the ethical aspects, 83 school children were evaluated and divided in groups in accordance with the age: GI (47 children between 6 and 8 years) and GII (36 children between 9 and 11 years). We verified in the orofacial myofunctional evaluation the following aspects: face type and dental habits; habitual position of lip and language; state of muscular contraction of masseter, cheek, lip, language and mentual; mobility/motricity of lips, tong, jaw and palatal veil; beyond breathing, chew, deglutition, speech and voice. We used movie recordings and recording in MD for the collection of the data. Mesofacial and dolichofacial types were observed; alteration in the dental relation, with bigger occurrence in the GI, characterized mainly for horizontal alteration; great occurrence of alteration in the lip and tong position, as well as in the state of muscular contraction, being diminished for cheek, lip and language and increased to masseter and mentual; difficulty in the lip and tong mobility, and little alteration in the mandible mobility; more than the half of the GI showed modified respiratory way and less of the half in the GII, with little alteration in the respiratory type in the two groups; little occurrence of alteration in the chew, except in the formation of the alimentary bolus, observed in more than the half of the sample; great occurrence of alteration in the deglutition, but a little bigger in the GI; phonetic alteration of speech was also present in more than the half of the GI and less in the GII, with little speech alteration in the articulator type; e, little occurrence of vocal alterations. Thus, in view of the occurrence of myofunctional alterations in the studied sample, the promotion of action for the adequacy of the modified functions becomes necessary for the good development of the children of the city of Monte Negro/RO.


breathing deglutição mastigação speech criança e voz fala sistema estomatognático chewing deglutition respiração voice

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