Capitania de Itamaracá, poder local e conflito: Goiana e Nossa Senhora da Conceição (1685-1742)




After the village of Goiana became a villa and head of the Itamaracás captaincy, in 1685, it started a conflict with the old headquarters, Nossa Senhora da Conceição Island, where the both villas elites had a conflict because of this title. Wherever, it happened, in Goiana, another confront between the lands nobles and the ports mascates, by the occupation of the officers of councilors; confront that stayed more violent with the explosion of the Mascates War in Pernambuco. The interests play between the two social strata of Goiana and the Crowns agents of the neighboring captaincy, it solidified a way to achieve favors of the Crowns agents in Pernambuco, to strengthen the nobles in Goiana, in the sense politics, reaching, in 1742, its emancipation like a head of the captaincy. Observing the political conflicts in the Itamaracás captaincy and this one between the Pernambucos political elites, we can realize practices that belong to a culture of the Old Regime, like the formation of the customer networks.


cultura política local power itamaracás captaincy political culture capitania de itamaracá poder local historia

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