Capital intelectual ouro moderno ou ouro de tolo: um estudo de formas de precarização no setor de call center




The main objective of this present research is the contribution for the current debate over the precarious form of the labor relations in the "Triângulo Mineiro region" , inserted in the productive process of reorganization. So, it was searched the effects of a specific aspect of the productive reorganization: the participative administration, from the perception of the Call Center s employees and the understanding of this exploration mechanism and the capital control on the live work and in these circumstances, incurs into a new kind of alienation and kingdom. The present research also focused techniques alterations of production as well as the new management of labor policies, specially in the point of employees adaptation in the current demands of productivity. The data had been gotten through individual halfstructuralized interviews with 7 Call Center s employees, with more than 1 year working in the same area and which development were analyzed through a qualitative methodology. It was found out that the area which was analyzed has a strong link with the control functions of the man power, aiming its system of regulation and the employees integration into the productive organizational unit. However, we cannot leave to mention the continuity of the old techniques of production inside a model with new forms of management of the production that keeps capital relation X very irregular work. Don t pay attention only in productive aspects, today the control an the co-optation of the employees become to be done in a sophisticated and subtle form. For this groups of citizens, the conclusion point to the enterprise education the employees receive, help them in the strengthening of the individuality, but not preparing them for the challenges of the contemporary world.


trabalho educacao capital intelectual administração - participação de empregados

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