Canto popular : a criação musical para Além dos muros da escola




This research sought alternative ways of teaching and learning popular songs, ways that go beyond societal norms and impersonality. The study sought answers in authentic communities of Maranhão, communities which preserve their tradition and the possibilities dialogue thus protecting and maintaining what is of utmost value to a community: its social patrimony. The methodology grew out of the concrete experiences experienced on field and the local scene woven by the community allowed the dialogue between the researcher and scholar. Three community formed part of the research: Monte Alegre of São Luiz Gonzaga, a Filipa- Itapecuru Mirim community (both cultivating the crioula drum from generation to generation) and the group of Encantadeiras of São Manoel e Ludovico. The research results indicate that the ways of learning and teaching songs are directly related to each personal search and will. One learn what one desires, when one wants. Thus instruction is not an imposition; the learner chooses its masters who, in their turn, respond when called upon. Learning and teaching of popular songs is something spontaneous and not delimited by institutionalized academic moulds. In our research, we were able to identify three modes of learning and teaching: imitation, oral explanations and practical demonstrations. Each differ from the other on the grounds of intentionality. The songs of the communities are spontaneous and a unique and original vocal technique is present in each manner of singing. Music and educational practice transcend the concept of cultural and artistic patrimony, figuring as a relational patrimony that can be preserved only by those who are rooted in the community, in the life experience lived in its concreteness.


educacao aprender-ensinar learning-teaching community and relational patrimony canto popular comunidade e patrimônio relacional popular song

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