Beyound school walls: children education by cultural action / Para além dos muros da escola: a criança na perspectiva da ação cultural




The purpose of this study was to investigate the social representation of Curumim members a non-formal education program managed by Social Service of Commerce in São Paulo State. To understand what this program means to their members, its families and educators answered a questionnaire. Using Representation Social Theory and Analisys of Content, answers showed up two focal points: the Curumim education object and Curumim-school analogy. The participants of this research believe that Curumim promotes children social life and autonomy, and offers diversity and flexibility of its contents, and learning by play. But school has rigid contents that learning by play becomes impossible. The research participants think that a space for reflexion, expression, leisure and learning by play is necessary for children development, showing up a child conception that considers children as subjects built by themselves and culture makers. Childhood is a singular way of child intervention over this world. Curumim Program is an example of public and private non-formal actions that deserve to be studied by academic and politic environments. We hope these programs offer subsidies to think about formal education for construction of a new school culture based on autonomous and protagonist educators and children


programa sesc curumin childhood criança cultural action educacao permanente child ação cultural representacoes sociais social representation

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