Cantigas populares: um gÃnero para alfabetizar letrando




The purpose of this study is to analyse the use of popular songs as a pedagogical tool in childrenâs alphabetization and literacy. This study is an etnographical, qualitative research whose investigations had taken place in two teachersâ classrooms from municipal schools in Recife. The theoric discussions take reference from authors like Marcuschi (2002), Bakhtin (2000), Costa (2002), Bazerman (2005), Almeida &Pucci (2002) and others. In the study there is a brief historical of the methods of alphabetization, which brings some authors as GalvÃo &Leal (2005), Ferreiro e Teberosky (1999), Carvalho (2005). In concern with the psychogenesis of the writing language, the studies are centralized in Ferreiro (2001b). In reference to the relation between alphabetization and literacy, authors like Soares (2004b), Ferreiro (1990), Calil &Felipeto (2005), Kleiman (1995), Terzi (1992), for example, are emphasized. The results of the investigation show that the classes that were observed, from both teachers, present almost the same situation: material supports for the songs, interaction between students and between teachers and students, except for the spatial organization of the classrooms, which appeared different as the classrooms changed. The kinds of popular songs that deserve emphasis are the ones sang forming circles, the ones with gestures and mimes, the lullabys and the Christmas songs. The configuration of the classes that were observed interact with the manners of singing and reading the popular songs, that can be seen interfaced with the activities of the Alphabetic Writing System (SEA â Sistema de Escrita AlfabÃtica). The study concludes that teachers of alphabetization use the popular songs as pedagogical tools directed to the appropriation of the SEA, in loss of a literacy that considers the relations of children with the popular songs outside school


reading popular songs educacao leitura alphabetization literacy writing escrita letramento cantiga popular alfabetizaÃÃo

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