Cantigas de amigo : do ritmo poetico ao linguistico : um estudo do percurso historico da acentuação em portugues




This thesis aims to outline the historical route of Portuguese stress, through the analysis of three crucial points in the language temporal continuum: the first and initial point is LATIN; the second one is ARCHAIC PORTUGUESE, an intermediary point in the evolution ofthe language; the third and final point is the present stage of Brazilian Portuguese. An emphasis is given to the description of Archaic Portuguese stress atribution process, because there is no comprehensive study about the prosody of the language in that moment, and because that is a strategic point in determining the Portuguese stress historical evolution: it is the very first moment when some of the aspects of the prosody of the language can be studied since the first poetic texts in Portuguese were written in those days. The corpus is constituted by alI the "cantigas de amigo" of the Cancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, composed between the enq of the XIIth century and the beginning of the XIVth century. Arguments that support the selection and delimitation of the corpus are presented in Chapter 1. In this chapter, the main characteristics of the corpus (its kind of writing, its physical presentation, its insertion in the historical and literary panorama) and the verse making roles folIowed by the "trovadores" at those days are also considered. Chapter 2 provides the theoretical framework adopted here, presenting the conceptions of linguistic change - parametric change, folIowing Lightfoot (1991) - and of (nonlinear) phonology - specialIy Hayes (1991) metrical theory and Mohanan s (1986) lexical theory. In Ghapter 3, the analysis of stress in the three periods focused here is developed, with special reference to the Archaic Portuguese. The analysis shows that alI these three periods of the language adopt the same rhythmic basic foot (the moraic trochee) - and the same choice referring to the setting of alI other rhythmic parameters value. The only exception is the valúe of the extrametrical constituent parameter: syllables, in Latin; segments, in Archaic Portuguese: syllables and segments, in Brazilian Portuguese. In this scenario. we conclude that there is no change in the stress role from Latin to Brazilian Portuguese. The changes verified in the extrametrical constituent parameter value setting are. in fact, consequence of a major linguistic change, not in the formulation of the stress role itself, but in the module of its application, in the Grammar. Latin stress role applies postlexicalIy; Archaic Portuguese stress rule, in the lexical component. The causes of this movement upwards in the stress role module of application that can be pointed out are changes in the quantity of some sylIables in many words (originated by the loss of Latin quantity distinctions between vowels), changes in the basic form of various words (caused by several factors), and the reanalysis observed in the metrical form of some words, that have not changed superficially. As a consequence of this movement upwards of the stress role from postlexical to lexical module of role application. there is the alteration in the domain of application of this role: from clitic group, in Latin, to the word in Archaic and Brazilian Portuguese.


fonetica ritmo trovadores - portugal

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