Cálculo e detalhamento prático de pilares para edificações de pequeno e médio porte




Even the small buildinging column may have a buckled. Its denoted the difficulty to design and detail this type of element. So this work intends make a description and application of a several simplified process of presizing and columns design. The stability building procedures of the parameters a e γz are analyzed are applied to this kind of structure. Also its detailing how the wind forces are important in the internal forces and how to consider it in the columns design. The reinforced and the wind force are calculate by using a free program obtains at the internet. Several examples are made considering a characteristic building with one, two, tree and four pavements showing how to analize the stability, the presizing and columns design and showing too the final results. All this samples are solved and compared with a professional program and the it show that all results are too close. Finally a lot of commentary how to design the columns are made to aided engineers to make a good columns design for small and medium buildinging.


detalhamento construtivo design dimensionamento instability instabilidade reinforced concrete concreto armado column colunas construcao civil reinforcement

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