CAJE : retratos de um cotidiano de conflitos




This work is a reflection of the routine of an institution namely CAJE (Center of Specialized Youthful Attendance), which is destined for the use of teenagers who have committed crimes in the Federal District. It intends to argue the normative and interactive dimensions of this institution by means of two agents in direct contact: the social workers and the interned teenagers, bringing the reader inside the institutional reality and pointing out the existing conflicts. In the light of a social interaction between social workers and interned teenagers, it concerns itself in showing how this interaction is constructed by the agents and how the institutional environment gives meaning to the agents actions. So, it is a kind of work that looks to show the reality lived by these agents, what is not always considered from the external point of view


antropologia instituições de internação conflitos agentes sociais relações interativas adolescentes internados cotidiano institucional

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