Caçadores-coletores na Serra de Paranapiacaba durante a transição do Holoceno Médio para o Tardio (5920-1000 anos AP) / Hunter-gatherers from Parnapiacaba Mountains during the Middle Holocene to the Later Holocene transition (5920-1000 yr BP)




This thesis provides the results of an archaeological survey focused in hunter-gatherer settlements from Upper Almas valley, on the western side of Paranapiacaba Mountains. Dates from lithics analysis associated to these sites are compared with results from Middle Ribeira valley, developed by De Blasis (1988). In addition, this Thesis treats to establish frames of reference to understand the formation processes of archaeological sites settled during the Middle Holocene in high depth on high portions of the mountains. The hunter-gatherer continuity between 5920 and 1000 yr BP in the studied area is approached by a paleoambiental treatment: our additional goal is to reconstruct the scenarios of environmental transformations in which these human groups developed their History. Furthermore, this thesis provides an instance to reduce the technological approach over these groups, opening an ecosystem approach which includes dates from palinology, geomorphology and espeleology.


middle holocene holoceno tardio upper holocene south-american archaeology hunter-gatherers societies paranapiacaba mountains arqueologia sul-americana holoceno médio serra de paranapiacaba caçadores-coletores

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