Busca de casos de tuberculose e o retardo ao diagnóstico da tuberculose: percepção dos gestores de saúde do município de João Pessoa / Surveillance of cases of tuberculosis and delayed diagnosis of tuberculosis: the perception of the health managers in the city of Joao Pessoa.




This study aimed to analyze the discourse of managers on actions to search for cases of tuberculosis and its relationship with delayed diagnosis of tuberculosis in the city of João Pessoa - PB. Theoretically, this study is supported in light of the interface concepts of health monitoring and health management, seeking to integrate and focus the search for tuberculosis cases. This is a qualitative research, which had built its empirical material through interviews during August and September 2009, performed with 16 supporters matrix. The analysis was performed according to the Analysis of Discourse French, and produced two discursive formations: 1) Factors related to the search for tuberculosis cases contributing to the delay of diagnosis of TB and 2) Relationship between the difficulties of making search of cases of tuberculosis and the management model implemented in the municipality of João Pessoa. The study revealed for the first discursive formation failures in the organization of health services on the route that carries the TB patient for diagnosis, the ignorance of managers about the true meaning of active search, contributing to happen for apassive search for new cases, and also the lack of planning of actions for the search for tuberculosis cases. Regarding the second discursive formation can be seen that, within the strategic plan for health care in the city of Joao Pessoa, supporters matrix manage integrated units of health, however, even assuming a position of manager of health, they were not have qualified or committed to this position, showing ignorance about the actions to control tuberculosis in its various aspects. The factors presented by supporters as hindering the work of health teams to conduct the search for tuberculosis cases, the low participation of the users in relation to TB, the little community involvement and professional qualification. Perception of health managers on the importance of organizing actions to carry outsearch of TB cases goes against the success of their management activities, being necessary for an effective perception, the understanding of managers over the course of the patient holds for TB diagnosis, which is the search for new cases, those who make this search, if this search is going one way active or passive, action planning to conduct search for cases of tuberculosis, also known as strategies to control tuberculosis. It is therefore necessary that management rethink the organization of services in health facilities that can effectively influence the statistics of tuberculosis control, by way of a management centered approach to health surveillance, ensuring actions contrary retardation of tuberculosis diagnosis.


tuberculose busca ativa gerência enfermagem tuberculosis active search management

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