Brazilian Veterans â Between the history and the memory of Brazil in Second World War (1945- 2009) / Ex-combatentes do Brasil â entre a HistÃria e a MemÃria (1945-2009)




The participation of the Brazilian Armed Forces in the Second World War is analysed under different lines of interpretation in brazilian`s academic production. The most disseminated between them analyses just the Brazilian Expeditionary Force`s experience to the detriment of the analysis of other groups, which have different war memories. In this work, we tried to perceive, trough the diversity of existent sources â newspapers, books, pictures, documentaries and oral accounts â how the selections and memory cristalizations are build. The various existing memories and âmemory placesâ about Brazil`s participation in the Second World War shows us a strong concern in keeping alive the figure of the veterans. Although, unlike the common sense affirms, the memories of this historic event aren`t homogeneous and are continually in movement between the constant past elaborations â peculiar History movement. In fact, we encounter a strong distinction in the way âpraieirosâ, veterans, the militaries, the Army as an institution and the civilians have structured their memories, what makes impracticable the understanding about an unified national memory of Brazil`s participation in the war and allows us to see the subtle disputes by the spaces of memory and places of identity`s reaffirmation.


excombatentes diversity of memories memÃria ii guerra mundial histÃria â dissertaÃÃo brazilian expeditionary force forÃa expedicionÃria brasileira historia power disputes surveillance of the coastline

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