Bravas gentes: cotidiano, identidade, representações, terra indigena Raposa/ Terra do sol e Parque Nacional Canaima: ambiencias de Boa Vista - Brasil e Cidade Bolivar - Venezuela(1970-2005)




The thesis has as plain of comment two urban centers: cities Bolívar (Venezuela) and Boa Vista (Brazil), focused in the scene amplest of National Park Canaima and Amerindian Land Raposa/Serra do Sol, areas located in the border between the two countries. It was objectified to launch a comparative look between the two environments having as estimated the agreement of that, in varied ways, the worked scenes evidence, in greater or minor degree, peculiarities of the daily stage of the social actors, Amerindians and not Amerindians, citizens of this history. It interested the research to track representations that emerge of varied you say supports whose empirical base resulted of plural sources (you pray, mediates, literary and iconographic). The perspective to inter discipline tried the dialogue between History and other areas of knowing inter solidary and the way of construction of the object it based the choices of the methodological theoretical picture, whose basic vectors had been found in the representation slight knowledge, culture, border, identity, daily and principles of the Analysis of the Speech.


historia regional do brasil identidade brazil/venezuela border culture cotidiano aboriginal question representations fronteira brasil/venezuela cultura identity questão indígena representações daily

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