Bivariate response regression models with copulas: Sensitivity and residual analysis / Análise de sensibilidade e resíduos em modelos de regressão com respostas bivariadas por meio de cópulas




In this work bivariate response regression models are presented with the use of copulas. The objective of this approach is to model the correlation between events and capture the influence of this correlation in the regression parameters. The models are used in the context of survival analysis and are ¯tted to two data sets available in the literature. Inferences are obtained using maximum likelihood and Jackknife methods. Sensitivity techniques such as local and global in°uence are proposed and calculated. A residual analysis is proposed to check the adequacy of the models and simulation methods are used to asses the empirical distribution of the marginal univariate and bivariate residual measures proposed.


monte carlo simulation. censored data archimedean copulas análise de regressão e correlação dados censurados resi- dual analysis sensitivity analysis simulação (estatística). análise de sobrevivência métodos monte carlo regression models

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