Biomarcadores de exposição, efeito e bioacumulação de xenobióticos em mexilhões Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758) transplantados ao longo do litoral de São Paulo / Biomarkers of exposure, effect and bioaccumulation of xenobiotics in mussels Perna perna transplanted along São Paulo shore




The present study aimed to assess the exposure, effects and bioaccumulation ofxenobiotics in the mussel Perna perna transplanted from a clean site (Cocanha Beach, Caraguatatuba) to different sites (Engenho DÁgua Beach - Ilhabela; TEBAR oil terminal - São Sebastião; Palmas Island and Itaipu - Santos Bay). In each season, after 3 months of exposure, the mussels were recollected and their tissues were evaluated for bioaccumulation of metals, PAHs, LABs and biomarkers of exposure and effect. Organisms transplanted to Ilhabela accumulated Cd, Hg and exhibited significant alterations on Glutathione Peroxidase (GPx), Glutathione -S-Transferase (GST), Neutral Red retention time (NRRT) and embryonic development (ED); organisms transplanted to TEBAR accumulated PAHs, Fe, Co, Cd and showed significant differences on CYP 450 (DBF), DNA damage, lipidic peroxidation, NRRT and ED; organisms transplanted to Palmas accumulated Co, Fe, Cr, Hg, Pb, LABs and showed alterations on DBF, Catalase, GPx, Glutathione Reductase (GR), NRRT and ED; whereas organisms transplanted to Itaipu accumulated Fe, Co, Cd, Hg, Pb and exhibited alterations on DBF, GPX, GR and GST activities, DNA damages, NRRT and ED. This integrated assessment of biomarkers and bioaccumulation provided a better comprehension on the bioavailability and effects of contaminants for the studied species in São Paulo shore.


bioacumulação são paulo perna perna perna perna biomarkers bioaccumulation biomarcadores são paulo

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