Bioethics and values: a studying on the initial training period of science and biology teachers. / Bioética e valores: um estudo sobre a formação de professores de ciências e biologia.




This is a qualitative empirical research, which aims at studying the initial training period of Science and Biology apprentice teachers. The main objective of the study was to analyze if this period has actually contributed properly to fostering human values, and, from the apprentice teachers point of view confirm his role in the ethical and moral training/education of his future students and his level of preoccupation with the ethical dimension of the scientific and technological knowledge. The methodological course of action consisted of two phases. In the first one, Science and Biology apprentice teachers from three different Universities answered a questionnaire about the importance of ethical and moral education for the Junior and High School student and consequently their qualification as teachers. The second phase consisted of another questionnaire containing four dilemmatic and conflicting cases in which the apprentice teachers identified or pointed out how the cases would be dealt with in class. Based on theoretical references provided by related literature concerning specifically the ethical and moral education from the philosophical and psychological perspectives, as well as the Bioethics of protection, the apprentice teachers admit that ethical and moral aspects are essential for the students education. Also, teachers believe that the schools, as well as other social environments are co-participants in the moral development of their students. Teachers also identify issues that raise ethical discussions and recognize the contribution of Sciences and Biology as a way of promoting ethical and moral values. Some obstacles were detected, which directly or indirectly contribute to the teachers lack of preparation regarding those polemic issues, such as: the difficulty in stimulating and guiding a discussion, the lack o self-assurance in handling the group, the non-acceptance of divergencies. Such difficulties may stem from their educational background. The results show the need to implement new structures for the training course of these subjects. Bioethics education favors the inclusion of values education when teaching Science and Biology, provided that teachers acknowledge they cannot do without helping students develop the necessary skills to reflect on a problem in its social, political and ethic dimensions. These skills are essential for every citizen when taking a stand.


cidadania ensino de ciências e biologia citizenship educação em valores bioética teaching of science and biology values education bioethics

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