Biochemical and immunological evidence for a cardiodilatin-like substance in the snail neurocardiac axis.


Cardiac hormones, which have been isolated recently from mammalian atria, are potent regulatory peptides of blood pressure and blood volume. By using biochemical and immunological methods to determine cardiac hormones of the cardiodilatin family, this type of peptide hormone was detected in a neurosecretory system projecting from the subesophageal ganglion to the heart of the snail. The cardiodilatin-like molecule was characterized by its biological effects on mammalian vascular smooth muscle, by radioimmunoassay combined with high-performance liquid chromatography, and by immunocytochemistry. In mammals cardiodilatin-like peptides appear to serve purely endocrine functions. In contrast, in the snail they are present in a neuroendocrine system, the function of which remains to be established.

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