Bianca : o ser simbolico : para alem dos limites da deficiencia mental




The main purpose of this study is to emphasize in the life of the mentally handicapped subject the importance of culture, the ability to attribute meaning to the world (objects, people and words) and the history of social life. One can glimpse a possibility for reducing the barrier that that separates the normal and the pathological, if we acknowledge that transformations on happen only in life concrete relations. My weekly meetings with the mentally handicapped young Bianca lasted for three years. They are described and analyzed taking into consideration the constitution of the subjectivity of the mentally handicapped person as an essential aspect. There is an attempt understand the development of such a symbolic, cultural and historical subject: a young who was born with a partial callosal agenesis, a decrease on the left hemisphere and who had a serious deficit in her cognitive development. The theoretical point of reference is the historical-cultural perspective of human development, with its methodological implications, based on reflections of Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky and his followers. The study is also based on Mikhail Bakhtin and his remarkably dialogical position that takes into consideration the signifying processes, the meaning movements and its constitutive role on thought, action and word. Moreover, Neurolinguistics, discursively oriented to the analysis of pathological facts and assuming the enunciative-discursive theory of language, has contributed tothis work. The case study in its longitudinal research made possible to register and interpret some aspects of the symbolic sphere: gesture – as a possibility of attributing meaning to the discursive practices; narratve; dramatization; drawing; participation in games; significative use of cultural objects – looking at discursive practices that relate culture, cognition and language.


educação especial subjetividade sinais e simbolos deficiencia mental desenvolvimento cognitivo

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