Bertioga: paisagem, ambiente e urbanização / Bertioga: landscape, environment and urbanization




The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the ways in which São Paulos shore landscape has changed throughout the years since the fifties, through a case-study: the city of Bertioga. Bertioga is defined by landscape architecture researchers as a forest municipality, which, in the year of 2008, still has most of its coastal ecosystems ecologic dynamics preserved, in spite of the rapid process of urban growth that most of the nearby cities went through. The factors responsible for this strinking difference in Bertiogas development from other cities in the same area where the urban tissue has completely replaced the original vegetation are mainly the access to the city, traditionally difficult, and the implementation, since the Eighties, of a number of effective laws that have imposed severe restrictions concerning the destruction of Mata Atlânticas (brazilian coastal rainforest) native vegetation. The urban occupation with tourist purposes, the criteria for the division of land into plots and the increasing construction of vacation homes are seen as the main reasons for dismantling the structures of the ecologic dynamics existent in the natural landscape of São Paulos shoreline. Under these circumstances, the restinga ecosystem is specially vulnerable, due to certain formations that occur solely on firm ground along the shoreline the tourists favourite spots.


litoral ecossistemas costeiros urbanização seashore paisagem bertioga landscape coastal ecosystems veraneio urban brazil

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