Belmácio Pousa Godinho: vida e obra do compositor paulista / Belmácio Pousa Godinho: vida e obra do compositor paulista




The purpose of this paper is to present the life and work of Belmácio Pousa Godinho, composer, flutist and serenader, who was born in Piracicaba (SP), in 1892 and lived sixty-three years in the city of Ribeirão Preto, in the interior of the State of São Paulo where he developed and consolidated his career. A great amount of information has been collected in different archives, at the Universidade de São Paulo, in Ribeirão Preto, in the private collections of Pousa Godinho family, and professor Myrian Strambi. Additional data has been obtained at Foundations and Research Institutes from all over the country. A detailed biography of the composer and a comprehensive survey of his work has been attained, as well as a close observation of the diverse musical genres cultivated by Belmácio. The respective classification of his musical works demonstrate the main aspects of the compositions, reinforcing the importance of the composer to Brazilian musicology.


música brasileira belmácio pousa godinho música brasileira seresteiro compositor ribeirão preto seresteiro belmácio pousa godinho compositor ribeirão preto

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