Behavioral, eletroacoustical and electrophysiological hearing evaluation in non progressive chronic infantile encephalopathy. / Avaliação comportamental, eletroacústica e eletrofisiológica da audição em encefalopatia crônica infantil não evolutiva.




In order to evaluate the hearing of children who have cerebral palsy disease the behavioral, eletroacoustical, electrophysiological evaluations were done in 61 people between three and six years and 11 months old, subdivided in experimental and control group. There were statistically significant differences when comparing the results obtained in both groups, as well as when comparing the procedures in the experimental group. There is diversity in the results of hearing procedures in children with Cerebral Palsy, which stresses the importance of a full battery of exams for determining the hearing profile of these children.


brain damage chronic criança audiometria paralisis cerebral evoked potentials auditory brain stem emissões otoacústicas espontâneas potenciais evocados auditivos do tronco encefálico child testes de impedância acústica audiometry dano cerebral crônico acoustic impedance tests otoacoustic emissions spontaneous cerebral palsy

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