Baixo desempenho na escrita de alunos das frações da classe média que freqüentam a quarta série do ensino fundamental em escola privada




In this study are presented the results and the trajectory of a research that questioned the low school performance in the writing in Portuguese Language of children of fourth series of the elementary school whose social origin seemed to favor the learning wellsucceeded. The central objective of the research was to search information to understand factors that delimit the school failure of children of fourth series in the writing and the strategies proposals for the professionals who work in the school (empirical field of the research) for the overcoming of the bad performance. The main theoretical references of the present study had been Bourdieu, that alert for the impossibility to only analyze the school inequalities only as products of the supposedly natural inequalities between the men, therefore in the educative system has an implicit process that generates differences; Charlot and Lahire, that emphasize the importance of the analysis of the school performances differentiated of the children of certain social classes, results that exceed the perspective statistics. Other authors had still brought diverse contributions to the analysis of the data. The collected data refer to study about pupils of groups who had frequented a private school situated in the city of São Paulo in 2006 and 2007, teachers of the rooms and mothers of selected pupils. The procedures for the collection of data had been interviews with teachers, mothers and pupils; analysis of productions of texts, use of activity-test to verify performance in reading and writing. The results had indicated that the evaluative process of the selected school is formative and the recovery is continuous, aspects that had not guaranteed the success of the pedagogical process for the totality of the group during the learning of determined contents valued in school subjects; some children had showed resulted below of the teaching expectations and the low school performance in the writing could not be considered as a unique phenomenon, but be constituted in the context of the experience of diverse circumstances by the pupils and influenced by configuration of the environment of middle class where the children live and justified by means of perspectives related to the characteristics from the trend to value the scientific concepts, or, supposedly scientific of the health in the education and to the admission of the expectations of the families


lingua portuguesa (ensino fundamental) judgment teacher lingua portuguesa -- redacao elementary school rendimento escolar classe média juízo docente private school educacao low school performance ensino fundamental escola privada baixo desempenho escolar middle class

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