Bahia journal of public health : an analysis of scientific knowledge production from 1974 to 2008. / Revista baiana de saúde pública : produção do conhecimento científico de 1974 a 2008.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Scientific production in the area of health focuses on research which benefits population in general. The objective of this work is to describe the role played by RBSP (Bahian Public Health Journal) from 1974 to 2008, by approaching qualitative aspects founded on quantitative means, with the aim of covering the journals development from the time of its creation within the realm of the Bahia Department of Health (SESAB), so as to understand its role within scientific community. More specifically, the objectives are: recovering RBSP history through survey of official documents from 1974 to 2008 in SESABs Document Center; identifying RBSPs formal characteristics; pinpointing articles published in RBSP according to specific area of study and with reference to institution and origin. Methodology adopted in this study is that of deductive approach and of descriptive, exploratory and documental research type. Information from RBSP was grouped in two phases: the first one relates to formal and extrinsic aspects, the second to content and intrinsic issues, after the Health Virtual Library classification. Results obtained reiterate RBSP status as an information vehicle in the area of health, contributing towards production and dissemination of scientific knowledge, having its visibility reflected in the published material with recurrent themes during the period studied. SESABs management investments in RBSP are outstanding, placing the periodical among the major reference databases in the area with a modern infrastructure and updated editorial policy and structure.


políticas de saúde comunicação técnico-científica disseminação da informação periódico comunicação científica technicalscientific communication health policies science and technology journal information dissemination ciencia da informacao scientific communication ciência e tecnologia

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