A economia da produção do conhecimento científico e as bases de dados / The Economy of the production of the scientific knowledge and the databases




This work deals with the issue on the economic relations settled among the stages of production, distribution and information use in the productive chain of the knowledge, available on the on-line providers helping on the understanding of the economic logic which sustains that industry. First, the elements on the History of the Information are discussed, interrelating the description of the Science of the Information, of the Society of the Information and the certified scientific editions. Next, supply and demand and its relations in the market of the scientific knowlegde are presented by showing the particularities of that market with relation to the conventional markets. Finally, it treats the productive chain and databases, specially the Dialog provider and some of its databases by offering quantitative data. The problem is how to demonstrate the contraditory logic in the productive chain of the scientific knowledge, information access was not an spontaneous consequence of the commercial liberalization, but it has created technical and economical gaps for almost totality of the scientific community, intensified and perpetuated by the oligopoly of the big on-line access providers, which gather in themself the biggest private databases.


mercado do conhecimento scientific communication ciencia da informacao privatization of the information bases de dados comunicação científica market of the knowledge privatização da informação databases

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