Avaliando a qualidade de vida do adolescente com epilepsia




Epilepsy is the most common chronic disease during the adolescence with a prevalence of 4.7/1000 when aging 10-14 years and 3.9/1000 when aging 10-14 years. When adolescence is addicted to a chronic disease as epilepsy some repercussion might harm the adolescence Quality of Life (QoL). This study had the main objective to evaluate the adolescence QoL. The questionnaire used in this study was elaborated and statistically analyzed. Thirty five adolescents who diagnose of epilepsy over two years were evaluated they aged from 11-19 years and didn?t have any psychiatric disorders or evident mental disease. The social emotional and self esteem aspects influenced the adolescents QoL. The reliability as well psychotherapeutics effects involved in QoL evaluation were also discussed. Researches involving the adolescence seem to be a challenge because it?s been studied in medical area for not long. However any contribution to the improvement of the QoL of adolescents with epilepsy motivate new studies involving this subjective


qualidade de vida psicologia epilepsia na adolescencia

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